Dhe Fonetik Mohd
Verzhôn 1.6

Bai Kristofer Dikî with môc kolaborahtiv eid frôm Jôstin B Rai.

Dhis iz ei guide on hau tû rait in dhe Fonetik mohd for dhe Enhglish leinhgwaj. Dhis mohd iz wôn ôv mai ohn dizain (with môc help frôm JBR), and Ai dohn't rilî ekspekt anîwôn tû yûz it (ônforcûnetly), bôt Ai hav dîsaided tû rait it ôp enîwei. Wôn interestinh aspekt ôv Fonetik iz dhat wen yû ar raitinh it, yor aksent iz riten in tû dhe tekst itself, soh Fonetik riten in diferent eirîahs wil stand aut, and sorses kan bî sîn mor klîrlî, and greiter impreshônz meid. (Enhglish with iz with in Ahmerikan, bôt widh in British)

Sôm beisik rûlz:


Dhe Keirakter Ceinjez

Dhe Alfahbet

A B C D E F G H I Î J K L M N O Ô P R S T U Û V W X Y Z - Three additions (Î î, Ô ô, Û û), one removal (Q q).



Odher Nohtahbl Keirakter Kombineishônz


Ônkomôn Keirakterz

On MS-Windows computers:
Î Alt-0206 î Alt-0238 Ô Alt-0212 ô Alt-0244 Û Alt-0219 û Alt-0251

Odher Miseleinîôs


Îzilî Mistranzleited


Here are some basic phrases translated in to the Fonetik mode.

Standard English Fonetik Enhglish
The quick brown fox jumps over the slow, lazy dog. Dhe kwik braun fox jumps ohver dhe sloh leizî dog.
The white gate is opening. Dhe wait geit iz ohpeninh.
A great ship has just pulled in to the southern harbor. Ei greit ship haz just puld in tû dhe sôthern harber.
Why are those women watching those birds for so long? Wai ar dhohz wimen wahcinh thohz birds for soh long?
I like to read while sitting by this tree. Ai laik tû rîd wail sitinh bai dhis trî.
Close the door, it's getting cold in here!
Close the door, it is getting cold in here!
Klohz dhe dor, it's getinh kohld in hîr!
Klohz dhe dor, it iz getinh kohld in hîr!
The great, and well-known, author J.R.R. Tolkien has been a huge influence on me. Dhe greit, and wel-nohn, ahther J.R.R. Tolkien haz ben ei hyûj inflûens ahn mî.
There are many schools of philosophy, such as pragmatists. Dh?r ar manî skûls ov filahsohfî, sôc az preigmahtists.
The unnamed horse has won the race. Dhe ônneimd hors haz wôn dhe reis.

The pronunciations of the letters of the English alphabet written in Fonetik.

a ei b c d e î
f ef g h eic i ai j jei
k kei l el m em n en o oh
p r ar s es t u
v w dôbl-yû x eks y wai z

The pronunciations of the letters of the Fonetik alphabet written in Fonetik.

a ah b c ce d e ei f ef g
h i yi î î j jei k kei l el m em
n en o oh ô p r ar s es t
u û û v w we x xah y ye Z

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