Avatar Races

Each class has a main stat. When you choose a class, your races normal stats get +1 main stat, +3 max main stat, -2 main stat cost.

Popular Races
(Humans excluded)
Warrior Strength They hit things. With weapons. Gia
Mage Intelligence Fire-ball flinging, teleporting hippies. Drg, Drw, Spr
Cleric Wisdom Healers who buff and pretend to fight. Cen, Drg, Gno
Rogue Dexterity Sneak around, backstab, etc... Elf, Kzn
Psionicist Intelligence Kill things with their minds I suppose. Drw
Monk Dexterity They hit things repeatedly with their fists. ?
Archer Dexterity Bow and arrows, and a bit of magic. ?

Races: Centaur [Cen], Deep Gnome [Dgn], Dragon [Drg], Drow [Drw], Duergar [Due], Dwarf [Dwf], Elf [Elf], Gargoyle [Gar], Giant [Gia], Gnome [Gno], Goblin [Gob], Griffon [Grf], Half-Elf [Hel], Half-Orc [Hor], Halfling [Hlf], Human [Hum], Kzinti [Kzn], Lizard Man [Liz], Ogre [Ogr], Orc [Orc], Sprite [Spr], Troglodyte [Trg], Troll [Trl]

Goblin [Gob]
Exp to lvl: 900
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 11 16 4
Intelligence 10 15 4
Wisdom 10 15 4
Dexterity 15 20 5
Constitution 11 16 4
Racial Abilities: None


Human [Hum]
Exp to lvl: 1000
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 13 18 5
Intelligence 13 18 5
Wisdom 13 18 5
Dexterity 13 18 5
Constitution 13 18 5
Racial Abilities: Haggle


Duergar [Due]
Exp to lvl: 1052

Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 15 20 5
Intelligence 12 17 5
Wisdom 12 17 5
Dexterity 13 18 5
Constitution 15 20 5
Racial Abilities: Infravision, Sneak, Hide
Racial Disadvantages: NoSun


Half-Elf [Hel]
Exp to lvl: 1052
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 12 17 5
Intelligence 14 19 5
Wisdom 13 18 5
Dexterity 14 19 5
Constitution 12 17 5
Racial Abilities: Haggle


Lizard Man [Liz]
Exp to lvl: 1052
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 14 19 5
Intelligence 12 17 5
Wisdom 12 17 5
Dexterity 12 17 5
Constitution 16 21 5
Racial Abilities: Tail, Swim, Armorleather


Troglodyte [Trg]
Exp to lvl: 1052
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 15 20 5
Intelligence 10 15 4
Wisdom 11 16 4
Dexterity 14 19 5
Constitution 15 20 5
Racial Abilities: Infravision


Drow [Drw]
Exp to lvl: 1111

Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 12 17 5
Intelligence 15 20 5
Wisdom 12 17 5
Dexterity 14 19 5
Constitution 12 17 5
Racial Abilities: Infravision, Sneak, Hide
Racial Disadvantages: NoSun


Dwarf [Dwf]
Exp to lvl: 1111
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 15 20 5
Intelligence 12 17 5
Wisdom 12 17 5
Dexterity 13 18 5
Constitution 15 20 5
Racial Abilities: Infravision


Gnome [Gno]
Exp to lvl: 1111
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 13 18 5
Intelligence 13 18 5
Wisdom 14 19 5
Dexterity 14 19 5
Constitution 13 18 5
Racial Abilities: Infravision


Half-Orc [Hor]
Exp to lvl: 1111
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 14 19 5
Intelligence 12 17 5
Wisdom 11 16 4
Dexterity 14 19 5
Constitution 14 19 5
Racial Abilities: Haggle, Frenzy


Halfling [Hlf]
Exp to lvl: 1111
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 11 16 4
Intelligence 13 18 5
Wisdom 12 17 5
Dexterity 15 20 5
Constitution 12 17 5
Racial Abilities: Sneak, Haggle, Hide


Orc [Orc]
Exp to lvl: 1111
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 15 20 5
Intelligence 11 16 4
Wisdom 10 15 4
Dexterity 15 20 5
Constitution 15 20 5
Racial Abilities: Butcher, Infravision, Frenzy, Haggle


Deep Gnome [Dgn]
Exp to lvl: 1176

Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 13 18 5
Intelligence 13 18 5
Wisdom 14 19 5
Dexterity 14 19 5
Constitution 13 18 5
Racial Abilities: Infravision, Sneak, Hide
Racial Disadvantages: NoSun


Sprite [Spr]
Exp to lvl: 1176
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 9 14 4
Intelligence 16 21 6
Wisdom 12 17 5
Dexterity 15 20 5
Constitution 10 15 4
Racial Abilities: Fly, Dodge, Invisibility


Elf [Elf]
Exp to lvl: 1250
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 12 17 5
Intelligence 15 20 5
Wisdom 12 17 5
Dexterity 14 19 5
Constitution 12 17 5
Racial Abilities: Infravision, Sneak, Hide


Ogre [Ogr]
Exp to lvl: 1333
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 16 21 6
Intelligence 11 16 4
Wisdom 10 15 4
Dexterity 13 18 5
Constitution 16 21 6
Racial Abilities: None


Giant [Gia]
Exp to lvl: 1428
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 17 22 8
Intelligence 9 14 4
Wisdom 9 14 4
Dexterity 11 16 4
Constitution 17 22 8
Racial Abilities: None


Troll [Trl]
Exp to lvl: 1428
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 15 20 5
Intelligence 11 16 4
Wisdom 11 16 4
Dexterity 13 18 5
Constitution 16 21 6
Racial Abilities: Claw, Infravision, Armorleather
Racial Disadvantages: NoSun


Kzinti [Kzn]
Exp to lvl: 1538
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 15 20 5
Intelligence 14 19 5
Wisdom 10 15 4
Dexterity 16 21 6
Constitution 14 19 5
Racial Abilities: Claw, Movehidden, Armorhide, Frenzy
Ravial Disadvantages: NoFear


Centaur [Cen]
Exp to lvl: 2857
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 15 20 5
Intelligence 15 20 5
Wisdom 15 20 5
Dexterity 15 20 5
Constitution 15 20 5
Racial Abilities: Thick Hide, Hoove Attack


Gargoyle [Gar]
Exp to lvl: 2857
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 15 20 5
Intelligence 9 14 4
Wisdom 9 14 4
Dexterity 13 18 5
Constitution 17 22 8
Racial Abilities: Infravision, Fly, Claw, Armorstone
Ravial Disadvantages: NoSun


Griffon [Grf]
Exp to lvl: 4000
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 15 20 5
Intelligence 15 20 5
Wisdom 14 19 5
Dexterity 16 21 6
Constitution 16 21 6
Racial Abilities: Infravision, Tail, Fly, Claw, Armorhide


Dragon [Drg]
Exp to lvl: 10,000
Statistic Current Max Cost
Strength 17 22 6
Intelligence 16 21 6
Wisdom 11 16 4
Dexterity 15 20 5
Constitution 16 21 6
Racial Abilities: Claw, Infravision, Breath, Fly, Tail, Armorscale



Note: These are not guaranteed to be completely accurate. If you end up with one more or less strength that you expected, don't be surprised. They should, however, be accurate as of January 2002. Avatar is a constantly evolving mud, and many things may change.

Information gathered and arranged by DeadPete.